Ecuador !

Last amazing crazy sight in Colombia, Las Lajas Sanctuary on the way to the border...
Epic building, friar, bonkers...

A quick oil change, these guys let me use their vice to bend my clutch pedal back into place...

its busy border town

with fashionistas

Met these guys Espan and (Err I forgot will update) at the border, also heading south whoop!! Turns out they hung out with Marcel in Colombia! Small world on a bike!

riding in Ecuador!

I'm glad to say they didn't hang about, I had to work the gears on Hondi San to keep up with their 450s

evening snacks

and a bit of fruit...

Stayed in Ibarra at an Australian Graham's home, forgot to get a pic of him and his lovely family...He has a garden center and lets 'overlanders' stay at his place for free, for the company.

It was a beautiful view of the town

Sadly I had to get a move on and left new friends to reach... the center of the world!
One foot and wheel either side of the equator!

that evening on the way to Alausi, and 'La Nariz del Diablo ' I got one of the most amazing views

its high up here , around 3500m and blooming cold!

arrive in town descending into cloud
Had the need for some real sleep after a lot of miles so got a nice bed in a hotel.

next day the La Nariz del Diablo a train that manages to get down the side of a mountain by traversing back and forth...

stopped at the bottom for a while and I watched a couple descend a very steep path on horse back.

here thy are!

Tomorrow another big ride, meeting my brother in PERU!