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Colombia just keeps on giving!

Left the amazing Guatapé.

...and i head to the Tatacoa desert, spooky tunnel on the way

freaky formations, the earth is this barely held together dirt...

from lowland desert to lush cloudy mountains

now heading to the Cano Cristales

An hour wait for a landslide

a few potholes along the way...

Get to San Vicente, its night and the town feels a bit edgy, I'm looking for ANY hotel, 2 cops pull up and give me a police escort to a good place,

Good lads. next day its a long dirt track for 100 miles or so...

sometimes you think... err is this the right road?!

Road tax...

Lots of military around, finally get to town and find a place to stay. The family offer to take me to the local river for a swim!

in we go

A gem of a place to hand out with the locals!

we watch the sun set then back home for tea :)

Now its what we came for, Cano Cristales!

Its a boat ride and an hrs trek... without the sun... itssssuummmok.

with the sun its pretty special

its this aquatic plant that give the river its name...

it rained a little on the way back to the casa...

and it kept raining allllll night long and the next day was


MUD i HATE mud

ugggg miles and miles of it...

and another military checkpoint...

i soon clock its cos this is / was FARC territory... good place to get kidnapped n stuff... Prob should have checked that before taking the back roads here...

stop for a well earned break, met this cheek monkey

ure enough, on the main roads, lots of military... Really should have checked before riding the back roads...

sstill all good

So, I'm now a little road called the trampolin de la muerte !

Turns out OK, a lot of barriers so not so bad...

except for a tool a in a tanker that comes round a corner fast and forced me to the side of the mountain...

Anyways, near the border now. Tomorrow Ecuador!

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