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Costa Rica ca ca ca!

Well almost, Still in Nic, stop in a hipster surf town of San Juan del Sur, I meet two Australians Neak N Paul, FINALLY two bikers going my way - ie south

Sadly they are staying in town for a week, so we swap stories and I learn the good turn of phrase 'loco Blanco' works well when joking with locals!

they have nice BMW bikes with covers - I have a broken brolly and bin liner...

Anyhow lets get this over with a few surf moves...

AAANYWAYS off we go to Costa rica, the border is not too much bother, customs, bit of a Q.

BUT for some reason the two offices for importing a bike are half a mile apart... Grrr! Fortunately this security guard was super helpful :)

First stop in Costa Rica is Laliberdad, it has a Mcdonalds a Walmart and most of all a phone repair shop - oh civilisation - both my phones have died so was it was getting desperate.

Checked into a pension hospedaje (cheap locals hostal) this is the nice place round the corner with wifi...

and this place was next door, don't mess, the hum of electricity was crackling in the air above the razor wire...

That night I discovered CUMBIA dancing, the whole town is a sneaky party town! big DJ round the corner too.

I LOVE IT, take it away Sergio:

Phone fixed and its RAINING so what's better than a cloud forest (aka rain Forrest!)

good idea but I cant see shit

Eventually, above the clouds its real purrty !

I do the touristico thing and book a chocolate and coffee tour:


BOSH Chocolate tour

onto a night tour:


SLOTH trying to run away


glass butterfly, in your face AttenB

OOOSHHH big spider

Drinks in the bar in town watching football, USA VS Costa Ri... and

BOSH police raid!

Cops check every spirit bottle, all were in order except a bribe maybe...

then a blockade and they confiscate untaxed or insured bikes...

I head to a night club and fail to dance Cumbia with a few Dutch and American lads.

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