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Nicaragua is hot and lush.

 From Esteli to the town of Leon, take a small road.

Arrive Leon, another pretty colonial town, a bit too inland for a sea breeze and too low for cool altitude, aka a SWEAT BOX with cathedral.

two sides of the same, one old and the other fully restored to an a gleaming wedding cake white sans bullet holes!

 It was the preferred capital by the Liberals in the civil war and when fell to the Sandinistas, the airforce was ordered to "bomb everything that moves until it stops moving."  Lots of revolutionary signage about...

 old fort..

So now the town is bustling with touristico but just sooo damn hot... What to do...?

Well surf a volcano OBVIOUSLY.

you need at least four people and a board with lino stuck on the bottom.

 shit Buzz light year:

and another.

This is David, from NYC instead of a weekend in New Jersey, he takes a flight and explores a bit.

 walk up a vaguely active volcano...

hope the lightning storm keeps away. This is Lena, 21 yrs old traveling solo from Argentina to Canada.  Her buddy Helena here for 2 weeks.

managed to catch a bolt here on this pano!

take a peak at the sulphur.

Odd smile, bit hot under foot.

get into daft overalls

then its time!

to go

 sorry, try as i might i can't get it the right way round...

Turns out Leon is a bit of a party town in the evening, with of the hostels becoming night clubs... well if you cant beat em.

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