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Here goes...TRIANGLE OF DEATH :)

With homicide rates in Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras so high its called the Triangle Of Death... That's the for locals right? Anyway and I need to get to Panama, I got a boat to another CONTINENT called south america! Colombia!

Time to put some miles in...

Border with El Salvador was ok, a nice fixer, lived in the USA for ten years before being kicked out, left a wife and two kids. He was good. Sometimes a fixer / Coyote acts as a fluffer, cajoling the official with attention and flattery to get you through speedy hassle free.

This woman had just kicked a guy right back to Guatemala and was not a happy bunny... Jose did a good job.


FCO reads

El Salvador has one of the highest crime rates in Latin America so you should take extra care... stick to main roads; avoid travelling on unsurfaced roads. ...There remains a small risk of kidnapping, if you’re driving, take extra care at junctions, where stationary traffic is often targeted by armed robbers.

COOL but Honduras:

Crime and violence are a serious problem throughout Honduras and the country has one of the highest homicide rates in the world. You should exercise a high degree of caution. Take particular care near the borders with Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua. Travellers have been targeted by armed robbers after crossing the Honduran border into El Salvador.

OK soooo I need to preserve life, not to hang around...

I thought the petrol station was guarded, turned out this was the old guy's guard! (actually had a v nice toothy smile but was accommodatingly serious for the photo)

Very pretty volcanic views :)

I did that clever trick of filming the inside of my pocket on my ride through this part El Salvador, rain ... oh it came so hard and it was heavy agua, made the hotel in La Libertad.

finally, nice man with big shotgun watches over bike.

And takes it for a spin, miss-record so I failed to catch his fast lap of the parking lot...!

My leather gloves did not survive the humidity and driving rain...

fun my face is stained too and my hands...

the dye will not wash out, El negro prunis !

a black volcanic beach... at night. Tomozza is HOnduras border, another day!

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