Bye Mexico, Hello Belize and my BRO!!!
Got to Belize border, its very easy, everyone helpful. I had guide about importing the moto from this biker's website:

Over the border and immediately get a nasty sting on my neck from some damn thing. Meeting my bro tomorrow - were off on a package holiday for a week!
I had to find somewhere to stash the bike and I'd read about this guy, David Edgar, an ex-pat ex Vietnam Vet from the US of A.

After Nam he's a tiny bit deaf, so we shouted at one another about where to put the bike and soon discovered we are standing on a fire ant nest - they came out to say hello... This place, the beasties and its bloody humid too!
got bike up the steps, a bit tricky with a short run up!

Anyways he was ace and picked my up from my hotel and dropped me off at the airport to wait for my BRO!!!

BRO !!!

we stay at eeemm.. a modest hotel in the Jungle, at a good 1000ft up so, its not humid and amazingly hardly any mozzies! That and its just lovely...

amazing wild life, humming birds n stuff...

bull frog and a goddamn massive tarantula !

Some Howler Monkeys come down to the mango tree for breakfast! Such a eerie sound!
on our last day here we went to a massive underground cave called the ATM...
Sadly no cameras allowed but it was amazing, about 1km clambering up through a river - cave system under to see ancient offerings from the Maya...
stock photos:

So good, I have to say its just fantastic to be sitting around a pool, reading, not riding a bike, booking a hostel or planning a route... just having my bro here to have a laugh with :)