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Cool beginning boiling ending.

Left CDMX with a heavy heart! Love the place and could happily spend a long time here.

Said goodbye to wonder hosts Noemi and Tiku, rode to Oaxaca. I was told by a friend it's rough and dangerous and to avoid (isn't it always the way) of course its gorgeous and no trouble - landscape changing all the time.

... finally Oaxaca town is just beautiful!

Check into this unassuming bnb,

lovely inside.

The owner is away but Loly and Adrián are looking after it and become my guides for the night!

Walk into town, turns out there's a big BMW bike meet.

From all over the region, a few from Guatemala. All wearing BMW regalia and bikes dripping with touratech. (designer travel gear)

For the price of one of these motos you could buy my bike, fly yourselves to US, ride around the Americas and ship home!

They're riding a 200mile road to the coast tomorrow - also my route, so must be good!

Now the Cathedral... looks ok on the outside but

the inside it just takes my breath away... it's awesome, i'm in awe....

bling side chapel

walking under a low entrance, covered in gold means for a moment your whole vision is.. golden...

I've seen many churches n cathedrals but this one... Christ on a bike!

Oaxaca is picture perfect and I strike a deal with Ad & Lol if they take me to a good cheap local, dinner is on me.

Fantastico. We go to a couple of Mescal bars... Singing, dancing it's all good.

Next day...

lush breakfast - the Oaxaca cheese is amazing! Melted stringy smokey flavoursome mozzarella...

Get a move on, with the 'HELP' of my gps... this is a road apparently

off to the pyramids of Oaxaca. nice with all he grass.

Cool up the mountain, suppose this is where all the dignitaries would have lived... Think religion is such fanciful rubbish, the more unbelievable the belief system the better.

These guys, the 'dancers' were in fact the portraits of neighbouring chiefs, captured, and writhing in pain for eternity after castration, their blood collected for a tribute to god.

Its getting super hot so I head to hieve el agua, taking the back roads to this natural pool...

its pretty...

this happens all the time, dogs.

finally get there!

Meet a young Brit travelling solo, she liked doing handstands near the edge of the cliff.

Now I have to get a move on because a long twisty road ahead - I knew it would be dark by the time I made town so no time for pics...

Except this moment when I had to wheel the bike over a partially collapsed bridge!

Made town of Juchitán de Zaragoza - it's hot as a habinaro soup 85% humidity...

I'm dripping without moving and bnb host is very nice and has crazy eye:)

So tired and just too hot, i think I prefer the cold after all Grant!

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