Ghost town good times.
I'm off to visit Parícutin, stop at a great road side restaurant for breakfast.


quick stop at an old mission

but bad weather on the way
Eventually I'm in the high furtile soil of acacardo country, everywhere these funny tractors hoist dudes up into trees on extended ladders.
It rains so hard and i'm in no mood to capture any of it.
Anyway I turn off onto a dirt track, amidst a bit of thunder and lightning. The balck volcanic sand is ok, bike grips in well and front doesn't wander off like in normal sand.
Breifly an old cobbled road appears before being swallowed up again... a clue to whats to come.
After the rain subsides the ground steams, the smell is earthy but so different to anthing i've encounterd before.
Finally this odd blackened village appears..

A walk up the track reveals what i've come to see...

Iglesia de San Juan Parangaricutiro, in 1943 a volcanic eruption and two towns were swallowed up by lava, three people died and this is all that remains.

Was eeling pretty wet and sodden this is all a bit grim here. Until...
I meet these guys!

The Torres family !

I can not belive my luck, they are all having a right laugh, on holiday together from the US, very welcoming, beers steak tacos great spirits.

I would have stayed longer but the day was getting on.
Such good people, thank you so much! :)

The road out passed through a tiny town.
...and finally made it to the beautiful, colourful, crazy town of Guanajuato!