Baja, beaches n boats
I'm making my way south in Baja, with white sandy beaches on my mind...

Breakfast is from a shack, nuts and a couple of oranges. After a long, long ride I stayed at this place as a reward!

...because I need a sun lounger. Here I met Cindy and Neil, very nice couple. Neil is another person from Sunderland, now living in Canada. Why do people always leave Sund... no wait...
Anyway the have a house further south and told me whereto find the good secluded beaches.

On my way to beach Nevada, I need to stop for laundry and internet... After a total of 3689 miles, I reach the port town of La Paz. I stay at this crazy hotel...

They encourage me to bring the bike into the courtyard... we're both showing the miles.

My room comes with mummified monkey in a jalopy outside.

oh mummymonkey!

Miguel, keeps the place running, always tinkering and making things for display. So polite and charming.

Found out about ferry to mainland, but with chores done, its off the nature reserve of Cabo Plumo and unsullied beaches.
nice old silver mining town on the way

Finally, found beach

found shack on beach

lovely palm thatch all for $15 a night

itchy and scratchy live outside and follow me everywhere

found Margarita and fish tacos...

Tacos actually from amazing place in Los Barriles - thanks again Cindy and Neil!

had a swim or two...
One of the beaches actually has lots of gold pyrite or something glittering in the sand... beautiful.
On the second night a big kerfuffle outside, hooves clip clopping then barking and neighing on and on, round and round this little fella was hanging around the next morning... guilty.

Seeing this other photo, I notice this fella is actually a she, so a proper night-mare...

Next its time to high tail it back to the port in La Paz and get a ferry!
The sea on the way is just gorgeous.

at customs the officer goes over all my docs including the bikes then looks at me sternly and says press this button...
I press...

we both laugh :)
ferry ticket office whoop!

weigh bike on these enormous lorry scales first tho...

and were all aboard

All the guys getting the shade they can beside the lorry.

sleep, tomorrow its Barranca del Cobre, or Copper Canyon, bigger than the Grand Canyon dontcha know!