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Hot Baja!

It turns out the hostel I stayed in last night is a staging post for the Baja500, the track I've been riding here is on the route! This is the kind of thing they do...

It looks fast rather than super technical?!

Head to the beach for a swim and...

find these blue jellyfish pebble things that I'm pretty sure will kill me if i go near them...

WTF... millions of em in the sea... no fanks, they want my blood obviously.

Back on the road to the west coast's Guerrero Negro means i'm crossing the desert...

The whole valley is bright red, pic doesn't quite show how vivid it is.

this crazy red plant carpets everything.

I ate here

Great food at another roadside place, the lady resumes making party jellys...

The valley becomes desert, an austere beauty. I see my first cactus, its massive!

... i soon get used to them.

The heat passes 35 degrees, the land getting even more sparse, air is sometimes like opening an door!

eventually its as though the very earth gives up on the mountains and its just boulders left.

Btw the elephant cactus are everywhere but there are also odd single digit, twisted ones too. You can just see one in this pic, I call it 'sister's finger'.

Its so hot, I take a break and then (just out of shot) a dog turns up... mad dogs n English men innit.

pockets of green

A shrine to trucker Hector.

The lack of petrol is an issue, all gas stations have been derelict. Not good to be stuck, even though its a main highway... it's a quiet one. Spot this truck and wait

this guy wanders over five mins later, praise be.

I get a room in a deserted hotel...

Its a =ff season for whale watching here.

Whats wrong with this picture?

No number 13, time to check out!

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