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So finally the Mexican border!

Its easy, they just wave you through, unfortunatly I’m all the way through and I can’t turn around to get an extend stay visa - required to temp import the bike! so… I go back through US customs, they love this... and back to mex customs…

This time I stiop and wave hands until I'm sent to the vehicle search area, then on to the visa building…

visa got.

Next the temp import building 10 miles over in Mexicalli.

Bike visa got!

Every blog I read and everyone I meet tells me I'll be pulled over by the cops, looking for a bribe. I see tonnes of cops, lots of people getting pulled over and I eventually get pulled over. Its a federal police man and he just asks about the trip, the bike, pats on the back and gives me a "bueno suerte" :)

My airbnb booking is on the beach, one thats near the route of the baja 500, (an off road race). So I pick a trail through mountains that's bound to give me some good dirt tracks…

It starts (with mex border in vid) fine but the road really does begin to disppear… Eventually a couple of lads from a local farm caught up and check out some of my new found spanish:

I mean I could have said 'Playa' at least...

The lad with the hat kept laughing everytime I pointed towards the beach... No road the other kept signalling!

Fast drive back to the main road and then to the beach trail... Nice lads.

Stop in a little town for food...

I point at this

And get this

It's delicious

Next found a hostel near by, its too late and too far to the airbnb place...

The sun is setting, they do say never ride in the dark, luckily its only a short ride back to the hostel.

Back home, good room, shower and chill... bike locked up in wood shed.

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