Vancouver BC to Vancouver WA, Portland and Washougal...
Warning! This post is a real bike bore...
After a cold trip down, I fixed the wiring for the heated clothing and power adapter. Grant added heated grips... I SHALL be warm on the road!

Its looking a busy about the battery but I SHALL be warm.
Next job - new tyres!

just about got em back.

Good to practice fitting them with my own tools.
Sadly, like an old victorian house, when you peel back the wallpaper... usually find a nasty surprise.
The forks were in need of TLC, fortunately Grant has a garage with every tool you can shake a stick at... and has designed motorcyle forks!

Faithful Panzer in the background, keeping an eye on things, but despite having a tool for collecting oil...

No one was ready to see mushroom soup come out...

Nastly! Poor old Hondi, its taken a beating.
I think its time for a quick intro to Grant.
Here are his bikes... all five of em:

An old Norton, lovingly restored.

a 50cc mini dickingabout bike

A Ducati Panigale, beautiful sportsbike.

The 'shitbox' as I call his dirt bike. Ridden on the TAT last year, it would never start unless it was cold or cooled off with bags of river water... a bit like this from 2015, in a mosquito zone:

...and finally a Ural, with side car, that he takes for a spin some times with the dog, sometimes in the safeway carpark...
Depite this reckless behaviour he is a very nice man thats totally saved me and the bike!

Time to show this man the respect he deserves with another clip from 2015 :)