Leaving Vancouver

Just getting a few bits ready before I leave for Portland.

Keys get a compass

Attempt to eat the 'tomahawk' breakfast...

Great view from Tim's on the last night. Can not thank him enough for all the help :)

Morning before leaving for Portland and a walk down to meet Tim and Garda for coffee... nice tulips everywhere in the north shore.
This Pecker is doing some impressive damage to a house... at 7am. (Experimenting here)

Tim and Ghada

A little early for a goodbye photo ;)

He's so serous coz he's crapping his pants
At last Hondi San is in daylight once more... it feels good!

Border crossing went v well, only 20mins!

The park here is international so you can cross the border and wander round without crossing the border... so to speak.

Nailed five guys at lunchtime.

Then the rain came... and the heated vest n gloves didn't work.

The last hours ride down to Portland was... wet and cold... the only consolation was this non dairy product in a petrol station.

Finally after 5 hrs or so I arrive at my friend Grant's place. Grant and I rode the last bit of the trans america trail in '15... A welcome sight and... ohhh he has... 5 motorbikes yay!

And this is Panzer. Nice hound :)